Monday, June 24, 2013


Legacy Impresion Company
Located: Plot no 428, Block 44, Kijitonyama

We de:
Graphic design of all manner
Printing large and small
Web tech implementation and creation
Brand consultant on company/individual brand

We are able to work online and our prices are reasonable



Thursday, June 20, 2013

Branding Seminar


Karibu Legacy Impresion Company upate huduma ya Branding kwa bei
Nafuu msimu huu wa sabasaba kwa punguzo la bei

Branding ni elimu itolewayo kwa mtu, kampuni au taasisi kwa ajili ya
Kutengeneza,kutambua na kuongeza mauzo ya sehemu husika.Kupanda
Au kushuka kwa mauzo sio sababu ya masoko ni Branding ndiyo
 inayosababisha karibu upate elimu ambayo itakuonyesha na kukuongeza
Kwenye biashara yako.

Branding inasimamiwa na nguzo kuu nne ambazo zinatakiwa zitumike
Sambamba ndio mafanikio huonekana kama unavyofikiria na nguzo hizo
Ni Alama, Bidhaa, Mtu na Mfumo.Legacy imejikita  zaidi kwenye alama
Ambayo ni nguzo ya kwanza na muhimu inayobeba zote.

Kampuni imetoa pia alama hizo katika vifurushi kutegemea uwezo wa
Mtumiaji  kwa wakati husika,kifurushi cha kwanza kinaitwa "Basic" hiki
Ni kwa ajili ya ofisi kwa maana ya vifaa na kifurushi kingine ni "Promotion"
Hiki ni kwa ajili ya kufanyia promosheni na kutafutia masoko na kifurushi
Cha mwisho ni "Premium" hiki ni kifurushi ambacho kinajumuisha vyote
Viwili hapo juu kikiwa na nyongeza ya kufanyiwa utafiti wa soko la
Bidhaa yako na kupewa mbinu chanya.

Kutokana na kutambua umuhimu wa wateja kutambua elimu hii ndio
Maana kampuni pia imetoa punguzo kwa kipindi hiki cha  msimu wa
Sabasaba kwa atakae pata elimu hii, tnashauri ni bora uipate elimu hii
Sasa itakusaidia kutambua unatakiwa ufaye nini ili biashara yako ikue
Na iwe kama unavyofikiria.

Karibu sasa bei zetu ni nafuu kabisa ukilinganisha na huduma tunayotoa

Pia kutokana na kutambua uepo wa wateja kutoka nje ya nchi na mkoa
Hivyo pia tunafanya kazi online,ili kupata huduma hii tafadhali tumia
Mawasiliano hapo chini.

Kwa mawasiliano na maelekezo tafadhali tumia njia zifuatazo
Simu: 0713 603 699/0767 603 699
Web: www.

Branding package

Friday, June 14, 2013

branding questions

  1. Brand ni nini?
Ans: Brand ni rasilimali inayotokana na ahadi ambayo inaunganishwa na bidhaa kwa wateja wake.

  1. Kazi za Brand.
Brand  hutambulisha muonekano ,ubora  wa kuaminika kwa watu, huku bidhaa za generic (kawaida)  hazijulikani  na haziaminiki ,hata hivyo brand ni ghali na inahitaji mipango ya muda mrefu

Brand hutofautisha bidhaa na hufanya bidhaa kutambulika mapema

Brand inaruhusu mtumiaji kutengeneza maamuzi na matumizi ya bidhaa

Brand hutengeneza thamani halisi kwenye macho ya washirika wa kibiashara na hupenyeza thamani ndani ya macho ya mtumiaji

Branding hutengeneza trademark ambayo huongeza thamani ya bidhaa.

  1. Kwanini ufanye brand
Unafanya brand kwa sababu unataka kutambulika na kuongeza mauzo

  1. Faida gani unayoipata ukibrand
Brand hukutambulisha,Brand hukutofautisha, brand hutengeneza thamani, Brand hukutengenezea tredemark

  1. Hasara za kutokubrand
Hautajulikana kwenye soko,mauzo yako hayataongezeka,hautapata nafasi kwnye  ushindani

  1. Mifano ya Brand zilizofanikiwa
    1. Steps entertainment (usambazaji muvi)
    1. Msama promotion (matamasha- dini)
    1. Cocacola(Vinywaji)
    1. Kilimanjaro(Maji ya kunywa)
  1. Mifano Brand zilizofeli
    1. General tyre
    1. TOL
    1. Tanganyika peackers
    1. NICO
  1. Brand inasimamiwa na vitu gani?
    1. Nembo
    1. Brand
    1. Utambulisho

  1. Mgawanyiko wa Brand
    1. Brand ya mtu
    1. Brand ya Kampuni/mfumo
    1. Brand ya Bidhaa
    1. Brand ya Alama

  1. Nianze  kufanya nini?
Tengeneza Alama , halafu jibrand uje utengeneze mfumo then bidhaa

  1. Tofauti kati ya kampuni na Brand
Kampuni ni jina la wamiliki wa Brand
Na Brand ni  ahadi unayotaka kuiweka kwa wateja wako, ( ahadi ya mmiliki kwa mteja)
Kutafuta Masoko - ni kujenga brand kwenye akili ya mteja unaemtegemea

  1. Tofauti kati ya elimu ya ujasiriamali na branding
Elimu ya ujasiriamali- ni elimu inayotolewa kwa ajili ya kukutengenezea njia za kujiajiri na kujiongezea mapato.
Elimu ya Branding - Ni elimu ya kujua jinsi ya kuongeza mapato na kujulikana kwenye kipengele chako  cha ushindani


Legacy impresion company its a legal company located at Kijitonyama, Dar es salaam dealing with Graphic design,Printing, Webtech and Stationeries,

We are now introducing our new firm in the market called Branding, This is well designed package of graphic artworks combined for your company.Branding its categorized in three packages Basic, Promotion and Premium, for more information about this project look at the attached fliers our prices are reasonable and negotiable for more information and purchasing your order please contact the address below.

Also due to the demand of time quality and efficient now we work online if ypu want to do business with us online please contact the address attached and we allow contract work and credit payment .

As introduced before Legacy also do printing work of all materials that means large print and small print, we sell stationeries and we deliver on your door as soon as the purchase made.

Dont waste your time to leave the office now you can contact Legacy online and you can purchase with your credit agreement then product will reach where you are.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Work online with us

Legacy Impresion Company welcomes all client who wants to do business with us through network you do not need to leave your chair ,just contact we will give you the instruction on how you can work with us and we will do your work in short time to make sure we do not make you waste your time and also you have to see the difference,

You can do business online with us on the category of designing we will do best design and you will appreciate them, we are professionals on making graphics look like the way it needed to be .
Our procedure are simple and easy to follow please contact the address below for more information working online it is the right decision for you now.

email:        Phone: +255 713 603 969
Web:          Facebook page: legacy impresion company

Wednesday, June 12, 2013


Welcome to our latest offer special for month Jully and june ,this offer will be from 12 june 2013 up to 12 jully 2013.

Legacy Impresion Company 
"Number one in town"

Branding categories

Choose the right target at the right time

sample basic branding package

basic branding package

Basic Branding package its a special package for office needs, this means it is a package that contain design of artworks that are basic needed in the office

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Branding package

Welcome to our new Graphic package that suits your needs depend and your budget
choose the one that satisfy your place and contact us

Mission and Vision

                                                               Our mission 
 Legacy Impresion Company is a legal registered company that dedicated in giving out the best of our services that you have never exprienced. We aimed to deliver to our client quality products to the delight, we are skilled in customer care and we will be glad to help you meet your satisfaction.

                                                                 Our Vision
We aimed to become a leading Brand in East Africa and beyond.

Our area of business are
Graphic Design
Website technology
Brand Consulting

Company logo and meaning

Legacy Impresion Company it is represented with the sign of human footprint

The meaning of this footprint is when we do work with any client our work will look like a mark on their company/organization/or any sector that means whenever we do we leave our mark like when you work with your feet on sand.